On Stage: Japanese Theater Prints & Costumes

Tsukioka Kogyo, One Hundred Noh Plays: Shakkyo, 1922, Japanese wood block print, 15 in. x 10 1/8 in., Aoki Endowment, Scripps College, Claremont, CA

Tsukioka Kogyo, One Hundred Noh Plays: Shakkyo, 1922, Japanese wood block print, 15 in. x 10 1/8 in., Aoki Endowment, Scripps College, Claremont, CA


October 29 – December 17, 2016
Opening Reception: October 29, 7-9 pm

Kabuki, Noh and Bunraku are types of theater—each distinct, all indispensable in the Japanese tradition of dramatic expression. The exhibition, On Stage: Japanese Theater Prints and Costumes (Kabuki, Bunraku & Noh), at the Williamson Gallery of Scripps College, offers a rich, many-faceted view of late 19th c. to mid-20th c. theatrical performance in Japan. Woodblock prints and vintage photographs as well as costumes and masks will be included in the exhibition, which begins Oct. 29 and runs through Dec. 17, 2016. The opening at the Williamson, from 7 to 9 pm, features live music and light refreshments. The event is open to the public and admission is free.

Professor Bruce Coats, assisted by Mellon Research Intern Isabella Ramos, organized the exhibition of costumes, prints and masks, which includes Noh masks borrowed from the Phoenix Art Museum.

This show is part of a greater celebration of Noh theater at Scripps and Pomona Colleges, with several events taking place at Scripps on Oct. 29, such as a Noh panel at the Clark Humanities Museum at 1 pm and Noh performance at Scripps Balch Auditorium at 3 pm. That same day, Imagined Sceneries, a musical work by Dr. Koji Nakano featuring voice, koto, percussion and electronic soundscapes will be performed at Scripps Clark Humanities Museum from 4:45 to 5:15 pm, followed by a reception. These events are open to the public and admission is free. For more information about the Onstage exhibition, please call (909) 607-4690. The gallery is open from 12 to 5 pm, Wed. through Sun. during exhibitions. Admission is free.

For more information on Noh Theater at Scripps and Pomona Colleges, please visit: Noh Theater at the Claremont Colleges

Featured image, homepage: Tsukioka Kogyo, One Hundred Noh Plays: Ama, 1925-1928, 15 x 10 1/8 in., ink on paper, Aoki Endowment for Japanese Arts and Culture, Scripps College, Claremont, CA
