Anna Sido ’15

“At the Claremont Colleges,” Anna Sido said, “I had the constant
support of several Annadepartments and professors who encouraged me to create a new track within the art conservation major that reflected the policies and historical trends of conservation. My frequent visits to Mary MacNaughton’s office helped steer my academic interests in art history and conservation and opened my eyes to the possibilities available to me as I was beginning my career in the art world. The interdisciplinary approach to learning at Scripps allowed me the freedom and the academic structure to meld my interests in language, cultural heritage and the visual arts first as an undergraduate, and later in my graduate studies and career.”

Anna Sido earned her BA in Art Conservation and French Studies in 2015, writing her senior thesis on the emergence of conservation and public art in the first French Republic in 1792. In her junior year at Scripps, she studied abroad with the Hamilton in France program in Paris for a year, living in a host stay with two visual artists and taking classes at the École du Louvre. The following summer, she interned in the Development Department at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

After Scripps, Anna was awarded the Gabrielle Jungels-Winkler Foundation scholarship to the Courtauld Institute in London and studied Napoleonic era British art. Upon graduating with a master’s degree in 2016, she returned to the Museum of Modern Art as a development researcher. She now works as the registrar assistant in Collections and Exhibitions at the Guggenheim Museum.
