Asian Art

October 11, 2022

Gods & Guardians in Asian Arts

Oct. 29 – Dec. 18, 2022 Gods and Guardians in Asian Arts illuminates the celestial and the divine, the sacred and the spiritual, in a rich array of works from Scripps College’s permanent collection. The exhibition features 40 sculptures, paintings, and hallowed objects—from Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, and Tibet—many on display for the first […]

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January 24, 2021

Wisdom, Compassion and Wrath: The Many Faces of Female Buddhist Deities

For over two millennia, Buddhist practitioners have aspired to liberate themselves and all other living beings from the suffering of saṃsāra—a Sanskrit term which refers to the never-ending cycle of death and rebirth endured by all inhabitants of the six Buddhist realms of existence. In order to transcend saṃsāra, Buddhists strive to rid themselves of […]

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